Saasland Documentation

Estimated reading : 1 minute

Saasland – Multipurpose WordPress Theme is a tried and tested technology WordPress theme built from the ground up to be a functional, productive, and mature theme, all the while giving your business a unique web identity.

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Welcome to the documentation page of SassLand. Based on the RTF (Rich Text Format) documentation

Getting Started

To use Saasland WordPress theme you must have WordPress engine installed. We assume you have


The header is a compulsory part of a theme. In Saasland, you have unlimited possibilities to


Remember: Navigate to the specific page according to the direction given in the documentation and

Widgets / Sidebars

The theme supports multiple locations for sidebar areas. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets to see available sidebars and


In this section, we are going to guide you about building different menus including Normal

Forms (Job Apply, Contact)

In this section, we included all the forms that are used in the theme. All


How to use WooCommerce with Saasland (products, settings)? WooCommerce configuration is essential if you want

One page

One page theme is built to speed up your work and user experience. It is


In this section, you will find the answer to some Frequently Asked Questions by the

Dark Mode Settings

Dark Mode Settings

To enable dark mode to navigate to Dashboard > Droit Dark Mode > General Settings

Quick Links

Quick Links

Saasland Demo Buy Saasland Droit Addons For Elementor Droit Dark Mode Open Ticket

Change Logs

----- 3.3.4 ( 22 March 2021) ----- Added: Droit Elementor Templating system Added: Lordicon Interactive


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