Bubble Features

Estimated reading : 2 minute

Bubble features allow you to show the features of your product and service in creatively crafted bubbles. 

Using Bubble Features

To use the bubble features fully, you can customize the content, style and advanced settings of this tool. 

Content: To customize the content, you can use the following options. 

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Button
  • Contents


From the title section, you can customize the title text, HTML tag, text color and typography of the title. 

Subtitle: In the subtitle section, you can add the subtitle text, change text color and 

Buttons: Using this option, you can change the Button label, URL and color easily. 

Contents: In the contents section you can put the title, icon type and customize the background color as per your requirement. 

Style: The style section only has the styling section option. Here you can customize the padding of the section easily. 


In the Advanced section of the tool, you will have the flexibility to add margin and padding to the element. You can also modify the Z-index to customize the element more. 

You will also get the chance to edit and customize the following options: 

  • Motion Effects
  • Background
  • Border
  • Positioning
  • Responsive
  • Attributes
  • Custom CSS

Motion Effects:

From the Motion Effects option you can add different effects such as fading, zooming, bouncing, sliding, rotating, attention seeking motion, lightspeed and more effects to make your website look different. 


If you want to customize the background with specific color, gradient or images, you can do that from the advanced settings as well. You can pick background type, color, gradient, gradient type and more.


If you want to add any line, box, dots and other design variations as borders of the element, you can do it from here. You can also customize the size and insert shadow effects if you want to. 


This feature will allow you to fix the positioning of the element. From the width section you can select if the position will be full width, inline or customized. And you can set the position as absolute or fixed as well from these settings. 


You can check the responsiveness of the elements if you toggle through the available options. However the change of the widget will be only visible on the live page or preview, not in the Elementor.


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